Autism Awareness Day

Today is National Autism Awareness Day. Most people by now know that our son J has the blessing of Autism. We are learning everyday how to take what some see as a disability and make it a super power. This is not always easy. Here are some positives to this condition (for my kiddo, all kids are different):

  • Ability to remember things for a long time.
  • Thinks about things over and over again.
  • Never lets go of a problem.
  • Really strong senses.
  • Notices the tiny details.
  • Prepares for everything.
  • Sees intrinsic value clearly.
  • Removes emotions from decisions.
  • Highly Logical.
  • Very Intelligent.
  • Fierce.

These are all very difficult because these in the wrong context are also his downfall, the source of meltdowns, and very frustrating. It is up to us to love and care and NOT JUDGE these kids. We work hard to provide a space he can learn in and be accepted for who he is. However, the world is not prepared for him. We have to prepare him for the world. This is super hard.

Work on being part of the solution. We can find a solution to our puzzle if we focus.

What kinds of things have you done to help special needs kids? Do you have a special needs kiddo and how do you respond? What is your super power?


  1. Kimberly Lipari on April 2, 2019 at 16:29

    One of the things I admire most about any child on the spectrum is their fortitude and forgiveness in a world that is not always friendly to them. Despite difficulties in everyday life they wake up each day and try and try again without judgement of people, only anticipation for changes they may face. We could learn from that, giving grace to each other when things may not go as planned for us.

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