Today I am grateful for the many things that God has blessed me with over the years. He allowed me to be raised in a Christian home, and to be taught what morality really is. The Lord has blessed me with my own wonderful family, that includes a husband who loves me more than words can even begin to describe. I am thankful…
Thanksgiving is approaching and I want to take the time to list the very things that I have been blessed with. We all have struggles, and bad days, but we need to always thank God for the good days and the many blessing he has bestowed on us.
1. A Savior – without Christ I am nothing
2. My Parents – without them I would not have been raised to know Jesus
3. My husband – who loves me unconditionally and prays for me
4. My son – who brings light to my life on a daily basis
5. A job – a place to go where I can earn a living to help support my family
6. A home – where life happens and where my son can feel loved, cherished and safe
7. My siblings – who always go above and beyond to help out when needed
8. My in-laws – not everyone is blessed with such wonderful in-laws, but mine rock
9. My grandparents – who have loved me like a child from the day I was born
10. A Car – transportation is the key to being a working mom
11. Technology – the things that make our lives simpler, yet more complicated, and definitely more connected
12. Teachers – who can impart new knowledge to the masses and care for their students
13. Co-Workers – they add a new dimension to how you see the office
14. Mentors – the people who take time out of their busy schedule to help you out, just because
15. Joy – Life doesn’t always afford it, but I sure enjoy it
16. Peace – the calm even if it is before the storm
17. Patience – taking the time to stop and smell the roses
18. Kindness – random acts change people
19. Love – it moves mountains
20. Goodness – the child like fervor to do good towards others
21. Faithfulness – it is all in the follow through
22. Gentleness – a trait I need much work on
23. Self-Control – we all need a little more of this
24. Hope – tomorrow is another day, clean slate, start over
25. Grace – getting what you don’t deserve
26. Mercy – not getting what you do deserve
27. America – a country founded on the ten commandments
28. Voting Rights – the ability to have a say in what my country becomes
29. Justice – God will have his judgement day
30. People – my heart cries out for the lost
Thirty things I am thankful for one for each day in November. What are you thankful for?
Psalm 100:4 (NIV)
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”