Wesley Pruden – Writer, Encourager, Political Analyst

Wesley Pruden was a writer who spent six decades actively writing every day for his career. His articles and his skills have put him in front of so many powerful people. He was one of the greats. My grandmother would read me his articles when I was younger and we would discuss the political nuance of it all. Wesley Pruden was my Great Uncle.

I remember visiting with him from a young age and he would always encourage me. When I was younger he would remark about the wide vocabulary, my love for books and my writing skills. As I grew up so did the encouragement. When my grandmother passed away I was almost 15 and I would email him pieces of my writing. He would always let me know it was good but he would always offer some kind of helpful criticism to help me become a better writer. I had a future in journalism if I wanted it. I did not, but at one point I did want to go to Annapolis to the Naval Academy or to West Point. I found out later I could have gone to either but life had other plans.

We called him Uncle Bou. This was a family name that was passed down from his sisters who called him Bou. When we were younger, my little sisters thought his name was Bug. The name morphed for the younger kids to Uncle Bug and he allowed it because it was so cute. I will never forget his laugh, his fedoras or his demeanor. He could carry on about politics for hours but never fight with you. He made a phenomenal editor and his Pruden on Politics section of the Washington Times was sure to make you think.

Today was the first time a major piece of my own was published as well as the day you were no longer with us. You passed from this life to the next at your keyboard doing what you loved to do. How I wish you were here to have one more conversation about how to be a better writer, but heaven awaits.

To read my amazing Uncle Wesley “Bou” Prudens work you can do so here. His obituary is here. He was a shining example of dedication, hard work and how to be a genuinely good person on this earth. You will be deeply missed and you were fiercely loved. See you in heaven someday!

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