Wow! We are headed into our final year of Middle School. Where has the time gone to? We have so far covered Math Fundamentals, Pre-Algebra, Earth Science, Space Science, Writing, Vocabulary, Art and so much more. It is hard to believe that at the end of next year J moves on to High School.
This year is a full course load. We are moving into full college prep mode. He may never attend college, but we want to prepare him for every opportunity. This year is 6 full courses and lots to learn.
Algebra 1
We have had amazing success using the Bob Jones University Press Math curriculum. We love this for its detailed instruction and how it builds on each lesson. They do a great job listing out standard, advanced, and more advanced problem sets so that you can cater your lessons to your student’s needs.
Life Science
This year is Life Science. We will be viewing cells under a microscope, dissecting a frog and worm, and learning about the human body. Our focus this year is on not only learning but also having fun. Science class should never be boring and this year we intend to see to that.
World History
This is our first year using BJU Press for history. We have been using Notgrass, but we wanted something more college prep level this year. This year we are starting with the beginning of time and working our way through today from a global perspective. We will cover all the continents, different religions, and even different cultures.
This year our focus on English will be all about writing and literature. We will be covering making choices, friends, heroes and so much more. We will be writing timelines, autobiographies, and even childhood memories. This will be a year of self-exploration and discovery.
This is our first year diving into this amazing language. Latin is the foundation for so many other languages and is a strong foundation to collegiate level performance. Having taken 5 years of Latin during my time in school really prepped me for a lot of what college threw at me. I am excited to see how this language helps J.
J has expressed a ton of interest this past year in digital art. This year we purchased an art curriculum through Alpha Omega publishing in their LifePac series. We are excited to see what he creates and learns. The lessons start with Lines and shapes and their use and moves to Color next. This should provide a strong foundation for anything art related.