We are homeschooling this year to provide for all of J’s needs. He is a phenomenal learner, provided that there are no distractions. Over the past 4 years we have been through 5 schools, all of which ended up being a not so great fit. Our local public school system provided us little to no support for his actual needs, and put him in an Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (EBD) Program. This system does not allow children with Aspergers to be properly cared for.
After 1 year in the EBD Program, we found a private school that was built for “Twice Exceptional” children. This seemed at first glance like a great place to be and stay. We completed one year there and we made progress. We did not make enough progress for the liking of the school. They wanted us to pay a full time person to be his behavioral guide all day every day.
I have been blessed with a job where I work from home 100% of the time. It did not make a whole lot of sense for us to pay for someone to be at the school full time, when J could be at home with me. So we decided to homeschool.
At this point we are 3 weeks into our homeschool program, and let me say, this is absolutely the best move I have ever made for my son! I am aware that homeschooling does not make sense for everyone, nor does it work for everyone. At this juncture in J’s life it works for him, and as an Aspergers mom, that is what truly matters.
Remember, what works today for your Aspie may not work tomorrow, and that is okay. Things will change more than you would like, but they will grow and learn and become a better person because you kept your eyes open on the road ahead.
Homeschooling was never “part of the plan” and that is okay. I have learned through our journey that being flexible is key. We make plans, but are not afraid to change them. We make meal plans, but sometimes that changes too. We use every opportunity to teach life lesson now, for example, a trip to the grocery store is a lesson on the food pyramid, math, and social skills. Life is just different.
Don’t ever get caught into the idea that things have to be normal, remember to your Aspie, they have their own normal and you are their biggest fan!